HOW STRESS CAN AFFECT YOUR BODY 1.Musculoskeletal System- your muscles tense up to protect you from injury.Too much stress can lead to_ body aches and pains , tension headache, muscle spasms 2.Nervous System-Your nervous system causes hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to be released.These increase your heart rate, your blood pressure, and the glucose levels in your blood - all of which enable you to respond quickly to danger.Too much stress can lead to_ irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches,insomnia 3.Respiratory System- You breathe faster to take in more oxygen.Too much stress can lead to _ hyperventilation and shortness of breath,as well as panic attacks in those who are prone to them. 4.Cardiovascular System- Your heart beats faster and harder to distribute blood throughout your body.Blood vessels dilate or constrict to direct blood where your body needs it the most,such as in your muscles.Too much stress can lead to_ high blood pressure, heart a...