Luke  was a doctor, beloved physician.Luke wrote his gospel using 3 sources :The sayings of Jesus, The gospel according to Mark and Luke's own source of information.The  one collection of the teaching of Jesus can be discovered hidden in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.Matthew and Luke  have the same material it is thought that  they obtain it from the collection of the words of Jesus.The first connected account of the life and work of Jesus  was the gospel of Mark.He wrote a powerful story ,probably for the church at Rome AD 65.His readers were certainly the local Christians.Mark wrote a gripping style, but was not highly educated.His work would impress ordinary Christians, mostly of whom  were slaves and poor, but  it would not do for the Greek and Romans elite, who were beginning to take an interest  in the new religion .This was a challange to Luke.Luke  reasiled that he had to write Jesus'  story properly.Luke collect stories and sayings of Jesus by Himself.Luke's gospel was probably start writting his gospel at AD 70 after finishing collecting  stories of Jesus.Luke's era there were  no printing machines or typers, everything was done writting with hands.In those days ,thet use a material  was paprus, made from paprus plant.Ink was made from soot and pens from reeds or feathers.More than any  other gospel writer ,Luke shows Jesus meeting and befriending all kind of people. Characteristics  of Luke's  gospel:

-A gospel for all nations( Luke 24:47)

-A gospel of joy(Luke 2:10)

-A gospel of self-denial(Luke 17:10)

-A gospel of prayer(Luke 23:34)

-A gospel of the Holy Spirit(Luke 1:25)

-A gospel of social Justice(Luke 16:19-31)

-A gospel of the outcast(Luke 19:1)

-A gospel of women(Luke 23:23)

- A gospel of the cross(Luke 13:32)

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